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grayscale photo of naked man

Invest in yourself

Start your journey with us

We strive to provide you with the tools and products necessary to enhance your overall well-being. Through our innovative aging research laboratories, clean products, and activewear, we aim to support your physical, mental, and emotional health. Our designs are inspired by minimalist concepts, combining them with state-of-the-art technology and scientific breakthroughs. We believe that by embracing these elements, we can offer you a truly unique and transformative experience. Whether you are looking to improve your fitness routine, nourish your body with natural and clean ingredients, or seek solutions to better aging, our diverse range of offerings is designed to cater to your needs. Experience the power of our products and content as we empower you to achieve holistic wellness.

person walking on snowfield
person walking on snowfield
woman doing yoga pose
woman doing yoga pose
man in black t-shirt lying on floor
man in black t-shirt lying on floor

From Young to Old

Can We Stop the Clock with Senescent Cells?

As we age, our bodies accumulate "zombie cells" - damaged cells stuck in a living state. These senescent cells, instead of dying off, secrete harmful substances that wreak havoc on healthy neighbors, contributing to wrinkles, stiff joints, and other aging woes. The immune system, normally tasked with their removal, weakens with age, allowing their numbers to swell. But there's hope! Emerging research suggests that "senolytics" - substances that target and eliminate these zombie cells - could offer a path to combating various age-related diseases and symptoms. Natural compounds like fisetin and quercetin hold promise as potential senolytics, offering a glimmer of hope for reversing some of the hallmarks of aging.

Our products

grayscale photo of persons handgrayscale photo of persons hand
Yoga & Activewear
Reversal of Epigenetic Age
Hydration and Water Purification
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